Friends Don't Let Friends Skip Leg Day

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I am sick and tired of seeing these guys with huge arms, filled out pecs, massive backs, and toothpick legs! We all know why you guys never wear shorts.

I can just imagine the gaping look of shock on your girlfriend's face when you are alone with them. Poor girls!

The worst part is that you guys know you look like lollipops. You guys are not that oblivious to the fact that you are top heavy and the slightest draft will topple you over like a crumbling building.

I talk to the guys at my gym that bench this much and curl that much, yet when I ask them about leg day they act as if I asked them to give me the square root of 587,439.

I can not begin to tell you how important keeping a balanced body is to your health. Not to mention the physiological advantages of squatting and lower body resistance.

Leg day is the most grueling day of the week. Period. Even the first time guys squat, their biological system is not adapted to such stimuli and they throw up as a reaction. Arnold Schwarzenegger himself knew his legs were lagging behind his biceps, so his mentor in South Africa told him to ease up on the curls and concentrate on his calves.

Here is a simple routine to get you started: (I recommend to start with the weakest link of your legs to pre-exhaust the muscle, in my case it would be calves.)

*Warm-up: 3 sets of decline crunches, 3 sets of back extensions. Both until failure.(this will warm up the foundations of heavy movements such as squats and leg presses)

Leg Extensions: 3 sets: 15,12,10 (increasing weight by 10 lbs. every set)
Seated Leg Curls: 3 sets: 15,12,10
Deep Squats: 2 warm up sets (just the bar or enough weight to perform 12 reps) 3 working sets: 4 sets: 10,10,10,10 (increasing weight with each set)
Stiff Legged Dead-lifts: 4 sets: 12,10,10,8 (make sure to keep legs straight without bending the knees)
Hack Squats: 3 sets: 12,10,8 (increase weight with each set, make sure knees are in line with toes.
Lying Leg Curls: 3 sets: 12,10,8 (raise the pad until it touches your glutes, squeeze the muscle at the top of each contraction)
Standing Calf Raises: 4 sets: 10,10,10 (first 10 toes in, 10 toes out, and last 10 toes forward)
Seated Calf Machine: 4 sets: 10,10,10 (toes in, toes out, toes forward)

* You can replace the Hack Squat with the Leg Press or add the exercise in, just make sure to pay special attention to your knee joint for any discomfort.

There you have it, a complete leg day in the bag.

Remember to always warm up and cool down with 10 min on the treadmill, as well as stretching at the beginning and end of the session to return muscles to their proper length-tension relationships and reduce soreness.

So stop with the excuse that working out your legs is just for women. I can't even respect that kind of attitude, and you sirs have no right to set foot in my fitness world.

Enough of my rant and please, oh pretty please with sugar on top, shut up and squat.

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