Could Massage Therapy Improve Your Golf Game?

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Massage therapy can do a lot of things for you, it can improve physical performance, can aid your recovery from injuries, and it can help you relax and reach a good well being. Massage therapy can do many things for you and your body but can it improve your golf game?

In short yes it can. Just as massage therapy can enhance your athletic performance it can enhance your performance in golf. With the right programme and technique there is no reason why you can't improve your swing, fitness, practice time and recovery from injury.

Benefits of massage therapy for Golf

As briefly mentioned above you can improve your performance in your golf game with a well designed programme of massage therapy. Before getting on to what you can do to use massage it is important to look at what exactly massage therapy would do for you;

It would increase the circulation that assists in removing metabolic waste and which is often caused due to overuse of certain muscles in the repetitive motion of the golf swing. This effectively means your muscles tire less and you can keep a better swing going for longer without being effected by fatigue.

A massage therapist can also help your body avoid muscle spasms and any regular pains caused by golf movements, thus avoiding any long term injuries and effectively allowing you to practice for longer.

Massage therapy would improve your range of motion and potentially strength which will help you with power.

It would also help you relax and focus your mind. A focused golfer is a better golfer.

Type of massage therapy you could use

Now that you can see just a few ways how massage will enhance your golf performance you should learn the types of massage therapy you can use.

Swedish massage - It is one of the most common, well known and widely used massage practices. It involves more of a gentle approach to massage, used mainly to help with circulation, easing muscle aches and tension and a great relaxation tool.

Deep Tissue Massage - It is a massage practice that aims to realign the deeper layer of muscles and connective tissues. It works by breaking up any adhesions in your muscles which will help relieve pain but importantly help to restore proper movement in your body.

Trigger point therapy - As you may or may not have guessed trigger point therapy involves targeting specific areas of tender muscles, trigger points. It can refer pain and sensations to other parts of the body and will usually lead to an immediate release of tension and improved muscle function.

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